Sunday, July 12, 2009

Akouein = acoustic/hear in greek


The feeling before the performance was gut wrenching , seriously & even worst there was no water : O , the canteen was closed and the caterer wasn't there yet , how convenient plus my throat was dry from all the cheering and screaming lol . Luckily though backstage there were water bottles everywhere so I just grabbed one and well bottoms up : )

I wanna say thanks firstly to AKOUEIN.
Keefe,Howie,Ash Li, Gloria & Jin Hong , you all did awesome .
& secondly to all those people who liked the performance , because without you guys it wouldn't have been worth it going to Keefe's abode almost every week for 2 months or so ( the sleepover(s) was worth it though :D) , straining my voice , snapping guitar strings , getting guitars knocked too , remembering lyrics,notes & beats .

SO FOR THAT ARIGATO & be sure to be on the look out for more Akouein : )

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