I guess I've always had a complex with people leaving me or ignoring me . It probably came from my younger days , with moving around and all . Mom's never helped either , with how she is. I feel it happening it again and again , sad eh? The thing is , this is coming from the people I thought knew that I'd do anything for them , minus shedding a limb or two. I was there for these people and they just brushed me off when they were happier . Thing is , I care too much . I listen to their problems , I access , conclude and try my best to help or just simply be there.
Sometimes letting something off your chest to someone that isn't involved at all , helps . Yes it does , even I've done it before and let me tell you , it's the best feeling in the world ; letting everything out and that person not judging you.
Maybe I should stop caring about people , or maybe befriend people who actually appreciate me (in good times and bad times) or maybe I should just drop off the face of the earth , go off the map . Just so they realise that they miss me.
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