Thursday, April 24, 2008

Turning 15.... Big Deal

Well birthdays were never a big thing for me.At least i got wishes :D haha.Presents present a not I shall not bother materialist can shove a notebook up their asses.Just for fun I'll list down the things I got;

Condom from Chow Swee Rong (VERY twisted Swee :D) < at least it was Durex :P
2 just tea's from Hsing Shan (at least i had my " anesthetic" while math)
Journal from Hannah Azlan (with quotes in random pages,even though i don't WRITE)
Japanese Biscuits and Chocolates from Syazren Huzaimi (Very creative mixing the two :D)
High Fives/Handshakes/Wishes and Continuest covers of Happy Birthday from the form 3 student body (well MOST of them)

Singers and "Vocalist";
3 Hormat students :D the ones i could hear were Yudish,James,Swee,Ian,Faizura,Aisyah,Steve,Bryan,Benjamin (and alot more that wasn't as distinct)

Special Renditions;

Faizura Hajizi (with her wit and randomness added of course) & Tan Ashli (gilaaa version of 'Born in the Zoo'.

After school I guess it kinda helped my confidence while playing basketball (until 3 ONLY since I had to be somewhere else) Jerry actually passed this time since he thought I should have my moment of glory (thanks "Yao") after the "game" just shot around mostly 3 pointers la :P.

Thanks to everybody who made my day today whether it was by wishing,giving, or whatnot.
Now I shall count my white hair while waiting for my so called "Sweet Sixteen"

Music - Kill by Jimmy Eat World, Pills by The Perishers (recommendation from Faizura)

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