A. Alia Astaman
1) Do you love this person?
- shes my friend..tu jee.Fazlan loves her though :D haha
2) Is this person your enemy?
- NUUU !
3) Would you kiss this person?
- Cannot... Fazlan will kill me
B. Bryan Chen
1) What do you really think of this person?
- Great friend,likes to dive, eat , wants to be a chef i think?
2) What’s his favourite colour?
- Blue.
3) Ever danced with them?
- Nope... maybe we will one day LOL
C. Chan Mae Yin
1) Do you have a crush on this person?
- My little sister la (yeah you still are... I'm sorry :( kay)
2) Have you ever had a crush on them?
- Siblingly crush O.o
3) How old is she?
- thirteen... only fourteen on November the 5th
D. Daniel Syaukani
1) How long have you known him/her?
- 3 years (class 1 Gigih.Good times)
2) Biggest regret?
- His love life HAHA
3) Do you hate this person?
- Well he did insult my Kung Fu... haha joking dude
E. Eezzuan Akbar
1) Have you met his parents?
- Yeah... he thinks his dad looks like Usher =="
2) Worst thing about this person?
- His overly horny-ness , he likes to kacau girls too -_-
3) Best thing about this person?
- His a good body guard LOL... no la... his "funny" jokes
F. Faizura Hajizi
1) Have you ever dated this person?
- Shes taken already la beb :D
2) When is the next time you will see him/her?
- Dunno... hopefully during recess coz we're separated by "trials"
3) Do you go to school with them?
- Yeah since primary... but didn't talk to her then
G. Guo Wei
1) Are they a good listener?
- no
2) Have you ever lied to make this person feel better?
- no
3) Is this person good looking?
- He looks like a fish :D go figure
H. Harris Kamil
1) What grade are they in?
- 11th / form 3.
2) Is he/she your friend?
- i hated him before during primary (silly ass reason) but yeah we got along while on the pahang trip
3) Ever done something illegal with this person?
I. Ian Choo
1) What is this person’s favourite food?
- Mcdonalds (he eats it almost everyday ==" but still his SOO thin)
2) How did you meet this person?
- Knew him from primary wasn't close to him till 2007/2008
3) Do you trust him?
- not with my life :P
J. Jaszril Muzakir
1) Do they have any siblings?
- yeah. two brothers,one sister
2) Do you know their favourite song?
- He never told me =="
3) What would you do if they confessed they liked you?
- SLAP him.... his my GUY-friend since standard 1.. lol
K. Keefe Ong
1) How old were you when you first met?
- Primary years
2) How did you meet?
- skbd
3) Ever danced with this person?
- no
L. Loi Wai Kit
1) What would you do if you had a crush on this person?
- I'll never have a crush on a guy -_-
2) Do you like him/her as a friend?
- yes
3) Would you go to Disney World with this person?
- Well with a couple of other friends... SURE why not :D
M. Muhammad Hazim
1) Is this person older than you?
- Nope... he has the unfortunate birth-date of September 11th O.o
2) Is this person single?
- yeah but he had a girlfriend who he went second base with... *sigh*
3) How many times do you talk to them in a week?
- Everyday... give or take
N. Nurul Ain
1) Is this person your boyfriend/girlfriend?
- nope
2) Have you seen this person cry?
- I've heard her cry
3) Do you know this person’s middle name?
- yeah its Ain.
O. Omar Lee aka my dad -_-
1) Are you related?
- His my father
2) Could you live with this person?
- I am living with him....
- 3) What school do/did they go to?
- Victorian Institute
P. Puteri Zelia Athirah
1) Have you ever been to the mall with this person?
- Dunno... ask her
2) How about a sleepover with them?
- hahaha NOPE
3) Does this person have a job?
- yeah.... full time KTK-er
Q. Qistina Shah
1) Does this person drink alcohol?
- Not sure... haven't talked to her in a while
2) Have you seen this person dance?
- Nah
3) Who do they " like "?
- err cannot tell.... but refer to Athirah's answer for a hint
R. Ridhwan
1) Have you heard this person sing?
- Yeah (very "pro")
2) Do you think this person will repost this?
- Beb takde blog
3) When does this person look best?
- When his doing his "dikir barat" lol
S. Sharizah Salam
1) Is this person taller than you?
- Nope shorter (since the last time I saw her) OIT come back to Malaysia laa
2) Do you enjoy spending time with him/her?
- yeah.... everytime she had birthday parties it was soo cool :D
3) Do they live close to you?
- Philipins jauhh la tu
T. Tan Ash Li
1) Would you do anything for him/her?
- she recently said I'll have to drive her around shopping when I get my drivers license =="
2) Have you been to his/her house?
- A handful of times
3) Where do they live?
- Jalan Tunku Sulaiman, TTDI (I think)
U. Lim U-Howie
1) Is this person in a relationship?
- Nope
2) When is the last time you saw him/her?
- While he was on msn (his display picture)
3) What colour hair does this person have?
- Black (Chinese mah)
V. Vimal
1) Does he have a crush on you?
2) Would you hug this person?
3) Is this person your friend?
- Guess so
W. Wafaa
1) Is this person loud or quiet?
- quiet but loud when she needs to be
2) Describe this person:
- Nice :P
3) What colour eyes does this person have?
- I think its brown... I'll check back with you.
X. -Tang Wei Xuan
1) Why are you friends with him/her? -
2) Have you ever gone anywhere with them? -
3) What is one thing you would change about them?-
Y. Yudishtra Selvaratnam
1) Does this person wear make-up?
- HAHA don't think so.... I'll check his room
2) Does this person play any instruments?
- Drums and Guitar.
3) What is their favourite sport?
- Politics (if that counts) I think it's football or badminton (one or the other)
Z. Zhafran
1) Does this person have MSN?
- yeah
2) Have you ever made out with this person?
- NO WAY =="
3) When will you see this person next?
- in school
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