Received this delightful belated birthday card from Tan Ashli:

thats the outside as well (it was in a envelope) >
The inside shall not be shared with you all so sorry to say so :P hahaha.Hints of whats inside;
1)A meaningful amount of 'Belated'-ed
2)Apologies even though she didn't do anything wrong.
3)Faith & Hope that I'll be the same person I am
4)Request for me to stop being "EMO" mentioning that the world is a 'Happy' place <> :P
6)Obviously a birthday wish
@ Ashli - If you can't find your place in the world you'll make a great card maker :D haha (SERIOUSLY) but whatever you decide to pursue I'll be behind you 100% (except maybe a prostitute) that was a joke :D haha
After School;
We went to someones house which is located nearby mine to eat (Canadian Pizza & McDonalds) then played badminton Yudish beat me flat haha same goes for Hazim (I haven't played in the LONG LONG time {not a good excuse but who's asking you??}) just jokes eh :D.Came home after a long day didn't have the mood to eat seeing I was stuffed till things were popping out of my ears ( < figure of speech) and now after a 55 minute phone call with someone I'm blogging :P.Thats all for now fellow mortals but be sure to check tomorrow or the day after for the eventfulness of my LIFE haha.Signing off.
Yours Faithfully
Arif Omar Lee
Music- Work,Kill , & Anything Else from Jimmy Eat World (the comma separates the songs)
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